Coffee with Claire #17 – Commonly Asked Questions Blog Series
June 4, 2018
What is the Petition?
Writer’s note: This blog series is meant to act as responses to “quick” questions you may have for attorneys. Think of these answers as a “quick” answer you might receive over coffee from your friendly neighborhood attorney.
The Petition is another initial document needed to start a custody, divorce, or child support matter. The Petition is the document that lays out the facts of the case. Some facts the Petition lays out are: the parties’ names, addresses, dates of birth, employment or other income information, information about the children, and if it is a divorce: property owned by the parties, assets, and debts.
The Petition concludes with what is called a “Prayer for Relief” this is where the Petitioner (the person starting the divorce, custody or child support action) asks the court for specific things, such as, “Awarding the Ford Taurus to the Petitioner” or, “Awarding the parties joint legal custody” or, “Awarding neither party spousal maintenance, now, or in the future.”
The art in drafting the Petition is to know what information to share, how much to share, and how specific to be in your prayer for relief. An attorney is best to answer those questions.
To read more about the Petition, see Minn. Stat. §518.10.
If you have questions about divorce or custody proceedings, please contact Claire Tralle to set up a free initial telephone call.
The information in the Coffee with Claire series are intended to provide information only. No legal advice is being provided or implied via this blog post. No attorney-client relationship is formed by providing this information. An attorney-client relationship with Tralle Law, LLC is formed only after a retainer contact is signed by all parties.
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